
My First Blog!

Hi, and welcome to my first blog!
Grace is my passion, my middle name, and where I dwell with G-D. I want to take you along on my journey of grace...the beauty of it, the long stretches of seemingly endless road, the pot holes, the road constructions, and the detours. Don't worry, we will get to our destination, and it's going to be the best trip of our lives!

So what is grace? It is beauty. It is style. It is poise. It is also mercy in the midst of pain and ugliness. Grace is our Creator’s endowment upon us to walk humbly and to walk with strength.
Our journey of grace is long and takes determination to get to our destination, but don’t worry. Daddy G-D will be with us along the way. In fact, He’s the One driving the car. He checked to see if we’ve fastened our seat belts, He filled the tank with gas, and He doesn’t even need a map because He’s been there before. He’s a good Daddy who welcomes our friends to join us on the journey, because He knows we’ll have a great time once we get there.
I see a rest stop up ahead…Dad can we pull over? We'll continue on the journey in a moment...

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