
Tidbits of Tidbits

On our journey to that place of joy, that place of child-like dreams and an abundance of life, grace will drop nuggets of wisdom onto our path. Here are a few I’ve picked up along the way:

1 G-d wants you to succeed even more than you want to succeed yourself. He designed you for a specific purpose. His handiwork is not faulty. You are capable. Find what it is that He created you to do and do it!

2 To wait is to be bound to that which you desire;
  To doubt is to be separated from it;
  To believe is to be fully persuaded that it will come to pass;
  Therefore, believe and wait!

3 Jesus did not just endure to the cross. He endured to the Resurrection!

4 One reason for obtaining so few of G-d’s promises? Bondage to a passive spirit. Passivity arrests our desire. We must defeat the illusion that our current condition is our permanent condition. Just as those who have gone before us and ‘who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, and obtained promises,’ we too can be more than conquerors through our Lord Jesus, Master of Legions!

5 You think that if you have enough faith then G-d will release His power, His grace. But if His power is dependent upon your faith, then it’s not grace. It becomes wages that are due to you. Cease from your ‘work of faith’ and rest in G-d’s grace. His favor is free!

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. 
Gal 6:9