
Roadmap to Desire


On the journey to our destination‒that place we desire‒we are given a roadmap to follow. Daddy G-D may know where we are going, but as mature drivers now, we need directions to a place we have never been. The roadmap is found within the pages of the Holy Bible. Just as we need to learn to read a regular roadmap, we need to learn how to read the roadmap found within the Bible. Daddy G-D is willing to teach us. He has recently showed me some directions to receiving His promises!
The first step is realizing that the desire within our hearts comes from Him. He created each of us with different likes and interests. Some desires are common, such as good health, economic well-being, and healthy relationships, but individual interests were put there by Him too. What do you desire? What do you hope to receive? Hope is the mental image within that we are looking for in the future.
Secondly, take this mental picture and write it down in detail. Get a clear picture of what you desire. Be specific. Maybe even collect pictures of your destination. Remember, you cannot have somebody else’s spouse, home, or stuff. Have an original image. Be creative!
The next step is just that‒take a step! This is the place where faith comes onto the scene. You see, you have to cross a bridge from where you are to where you are going. Faith is the underlying support columns that the road to your destiny rests upon. Faith is having confidence that since Daddy G-D directed you to this place, He will help you arrive at your destination by His grace.
This step forward gets you closer to your destination‒your desire‒your mental image that you are expecting to appear, but the miraculous thing about faith is that it causes acceleration! Not only are you moving closer to your desire, but your desire is also moving closer to you! Your mental image that you are expecting to see (hope), as you have confidence in the goodness of Daddy G-D (faith), runs forward calling out to your desire, “Come!” The vehicle to get you there (grace) has been provided by Daddy G-D (love). Get an image of that! We sit in grace moving forward in hope supported by faith all because Daddy G-D loves us!
Not only this, but Daddy G-D has sent helpers that when they hear this calling out of your destination, will provide all that is needed for you to arrive: food and lodging, road and vehicle repairs, protection. Whatever you need. ALL your needs will be met because Daddy G-D loves you and desires for you to reach your destination.
The final step? Be patient. This is the hardest part since, at times, the road to our desire is a long one. Your desire has a set time when you will arrive. You have an appointment. All you have to do is show up.
The image in your heart speaks of the end result. It is breathing, panting, longing in that direction, and will not be in vain if only you hold onto it. If you have delays on your journey, be patient. Wait for it! Be like a bulldog on a bone, never letting go, because it will come. Remember, that as you take steps of faith, your desire is also taking steps closer to you! Your vision isn’t dawdling. It isn’t lagging behind for no reason. Call to it. Breathe upon it. The two of you will meet. You will arrive at your destination by Daddy G-D’s grace!
The Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. Hab 2:2-3


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