
Tough As Steel

It still amazes me how everything in this earth realm can give us glimpses into the unseen world. Jesus showed us this by His teachings: ‘the Kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed into his field,’ or ‘like a mustard seed,’ or ‘like a treasure hidden in a field,’ plus many more. Today Daddy G*D is showing me how the Kingdom of heaven is like a metallurgist who finds rock that he knows contains iron ore and decides to make it into steel.

The rock must first be melted down in order to burn off impurities, leaving iron ore. The ore continues to be heated to burn off the oxygen and then carbon is added back into it. This process is called ‘smelting.’ (Hmm, kind of sounds like that hidden treasure in a field, doesn’t it?) The iron is cooled by a rapid wind blowing over it, and forms what is referred to as ‘pig iron’ which contains too much carbon to be steel. It is brittle and not flexible. So the iron is heated to soften it. This process is called 'annealing' which has three phases: recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth. (Bear with me. It’ll get better!) Now the metal must be 'quenched' or rapidly cooled in water or oil. This leaves the metal strong but brittle, because it is so strong it doesn’t give. Sometimes the metal must be strong. Other times it must be tough (not easily broken). Therefore, the steel must be 'tempered.'  This is done by heating the metal to a degree below the critical temperature for a certain period of time and then allowing it to cool in still air in a cast that later can be rolled into the final product at a finishing mill. (Thank you Wikipedia for the lesson in steel production.)

So what does this have to do with the Kingdom of heaven? Well, you see, Adam (human) was formed from the dust of the ground (Ge 2:7). We are the rock, G*D is the metallurgist who sees potential within us, the iron ore. (BTW, the human body is composed of 96% gases {most of which is water, H2O} and 4% of minerals. Yep, that’s right. We are dirty water!)

The trials that we go through in life cause the smelting process to purify us. Life happens. We mature. The rapid wind is the Holy Spirit of G*D blowing over us to reveal our G*D to us. The problem is that we become ‘pig iron’ and not much good for others. We are easily offended (brittle) and fixed in our ways (inflexible). So our Creator, the metallurgist, turns up the heat on us again. To make us strong. ‘In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed’ (1Pe 1:6,7).

In this second heating G*D brings healing to our soul (recovery), renews our mind by replacing our old beliefs with His truth (recrystallization), and the fruit of His Spirit increases (grain growth). Now we must be rapidly cooled by water (the Word of G*D) or oil (the Holy Spirit of G*D) to keep us from becoming arrogant.

We are now strong but not yet tough. Tough people know when to stand firm and when to be flexible; how to stand on the Word of G*D and to be lead by His Spirit. We need to be tempered. Life will once again heat up, but not to the point of being critical. Then we will be poured into a cast, a mold. We are all called to be molded into the image of G*D’s Son, Jesus (Ro 8:29). We will be set aside to cool in still air. The Holy Spirit is the ‘air’ of G*D. Even though He doesn’t seem to be moving, He is there. We enter into our place of resting in Him. Now we are ready to be ‘rolled’ into the final product that Daddy G*D will use for a specific purpose (Jer 29:11).

The good thing is that steel never outlives its usefulness. It can be recycled. Don't you just love the idea of going back through the fire to be recasted into something that is useful for today? I don't either, but there is purpose in the suffering. This is G*D's grace molding us into His likeness, and He is right there with us. We are never too old to begin again, and will enter into new phases of life and Kingdom purposes, if we continue in our faith in Jesus and our Daddy G*D!

See, I have refined you, though not as silver.I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. For my own sake, for my own sake, I do this. How can I let myself be defamed? I will not yield my glory to another. (Is 48:10,11)


Queen Esther's Victory is Our Victory

Tonight at sundown begins the celebration of the deliverance of the Jews from the schemes of Haman by the bravery of Queen Esther, once a little Jewish girl named Hadassah. Some say that we would never have had Jesus if it weren't for her bravery, but I beg to differ. G-D always has a remnant and He is always victorious. Even Eshter's cousin/foster dad said, "Think not that you will escape in the house of the king, moreso than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father's house will perish. Who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:13,14)
If you are a follower of Jesus, the Messiah, then you are part of a royal priesthood (1Pe 2:9). Who knows whether G-D has not chosen you to be an Esther in order to bring deliverance to your people, your family. When Esther came before her king, he did not reverse the order set against her people, but gave them authority to fight (Esther 8:8-13). Jesus, the King of kings, has granted us authority over darkness (Mt 28:18,19, Mk 16:17, Eph 6:10-18) and He always leads us in victory (1Co 15:57).

Have you been battling certain things for a long time now? Have you cried out to G-D, and yet it seems as if He's turned a deaf ear to you? Fear not! For just as in the book of Esther, G-D may seem absent, but He is very much present! He is working behind the scenes (Ro 8:28) directing your steps (Prov 16:9). It's time for your turnaround! Those times that in  the past evil prevailed are now being flipped. This time you will see victory!

Take time to read the book of Esther, and allow G-D to whisper deep into your heart. Hear Him say, "Fight!"
"Fight for your sons and daughters!"
"Fight for your husband/wife!"
"Fight for physical health!"
"Fight for mental health!"
"Fight for financial breakthrough!"
"Fight for prosperity!"
"Fight for the Kingdom of Heaven!"
"Is there not a cause?! Fear not! For I am with you to give you the victory! Now is your time! Today begins your season of turnaround! Turn and face your enemy. Let My holy roar rise up within you, and fight! You have been granted the victory!"



Birthdays and Valentine’s

Hi! I know it’s been awhile since our paths have crossed. I’m glad to have bumped into you today. My day today is a hard day on this journey to destiny. I’m sandwiched between yet another birthday and St. Valentine’s Day, both of which are emotional for me since I’m ‘still single.’ It’s not that I think being single is a bad thing. No, there are a lot of pluses to being single. My time is my own. I am responsible only for myself. To a degree. We are all responsible to each other since we share this place called ‘life.’ But as for the daily needs, I’m on my own.
Well, if being single isn’t the problem, what is this heaviness I feel on my heart? I miss him. Yep, that’s right. I miss him. You see, I have been praying for that special man, whoever he may be, for over 17 years now. Yes, you may think I am crazy, but I gave the selection of my husband over to my L-RD, and I trust Him to work everything out. Oh, there have been many times I have tried to work it out myself, but that just doesn’t work! And so I keep turning the desire over to my L-RD…and wait. The waiting is the hardest, because, you see, most days I know he’s real. I know the L-RD is the One who gives us, His children,   the desires of our hearts. To me this means not only that He gives us what we want, but when submitted to Him, He places desires within our hearts. I’ve definitely given this desire over to the L-RD. Several times in fact. I’ve tried killing him (the husband) off even. More than once! But my L-RD keeps resurrecting him. The desire for him. That’s why he’s become so real to me.

And so, another birthday has come and gone. I’m 44 now, and have never been married. You do know that L-RD, right? That I’m 44, and birthing babies doesn’t come easy to women my age. That’s another desire that has been place upon my heart to have children, both natural and adopted. Therefore I wait. And pray. And follow the signs that the L-RD, in His compassion, has put upon my path, pointing me in the direction that I must follow in order to intersect with that special someone. The one my heart is drawn towards.
So, my love, whoever you may be, I send you this Valentine, an excerpt taken from a song by Mandisa and Chris August titled ‘Praying for You’…

I wonder if you think of me…like I think of you.
Do you long for my touch?
Baby, I know that you’ll be the one that’s strong,
When I am weak.
I’ll love you through the good and the bad,
For rich or for poor.
May not have much, but this I’m sure:
‘til my dream comes true,
I’ll be praying for you…
Oh, I wonder what’s in store for me,
Who you’re gonna be.
Have you ever passed me by?
But for now, I’m waiting…
 I’ll be praying that you will fear the L-RD.

I’ll pray we’ll be on one accord,
That G-D will bless everything we do.
I pray that He will shield your heart,
That we will not be torn apart,
And side by side in Jesus’ name we’ll stand.
But for now we’re waiting…