
Queen Esther's Victory is Our Victory

Tonight at sundown begins the celebration of the deliverance of the Jews from the schemes of Haman by the bravery of Queen Esther, once a little Jewish girl named Hadassah. Some say that we would never have had Jesus if it weren't for her bravery, but I beg to differ. G-D always has a remnant and He is always victorious. Even Eshter's cousin/foster dad said, "Think not that you will escape in the house of the king, moreso than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father's house will perish. Who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:13,14)
If you are a follower of Jesus, the Messiah, then you are part of a royal priesthood (1Pe 2:9). Who knows whether G-D has not chosen you to be an Esther in order to bring deliverance to your people, your family. When Esther came before her king, he did not reverse the order set against her people, but gave them authority to fight (Esther 8:8-13). Jesus, the King of kings, has granted us authority over darkness (Mt 28:18,19, Mk 16:17, Eph 6:10-18) and He always leads us in victory (1Co 15:57).

Have you been battling certain things for a long time now? Have you cried out to G-D, and yet it seems as if He's turned a deaf ear to you? Fear not! For just as in the book of Esther, G-D may seem absent, but He is very much present! He is working behind the scenes (Ro 8:28) directing your steps (Prov 16:9). It's time for your turnaround! Those times that in  the past evil prevailed are now being flipped. This time you will see victory!

Take time to read the book of Esther, and allow G-D to whisper deep into your heart. Hear Him say, "Fight!"
"Fight for your sons and daughters!"
"Fight for your husband/wife!"
"Fight for physical health!"
"Fight for mental health!"
"Fight for financial breakthrough!"
"Fight for prosperity!"
"Fight for the Kingdom of Heaven!"
"Is there not a cause?! Fear not! For I am with you to give you the victory! Now is your time! Today begins your season of turnaround! Turn and face your enemy. Let My holy roar rise up within you, and fight! You have been granted the victory!"


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