
Today was a bumpy ride!

Wow! That was one bumpy ride! Sometimes we just have to trust that Daddy G-D knows what He's doing. The stretch of road that we were on today had a lot of pot holes and curves. Also, driving in the dark makes it harder to see where we are going, but Daddy G-D knew what was up ahead and He was totally capable of getting us to our destination safely.
All we had to do was trust in His grace and His love for us. We didn't even have to try to figure things out either, because He was the One driving the car. Oh to grow in confidence to trust Him so that we can lay our heads back and sleep for awhile...to rest in His grace and love.
Did you have trouble trusting in Daddy G-D? No? You seemed a lot more relaxed than I felt! Thankfully we didn't have to go through this alone. We had each other so that when my confidence wavered, you were there to strengthen me, and next time, if you get scared, I can help you. Eventually we'll get to our destination, but until then, there's grace to keep us on the journey!
How does this grace work? It doesn’t ‘work.’ Grace is totally dependant upon G-d’s love and mercy towards us. We do not deserve it. We can not earn it. That is why it is called grace. As we get to know more about our Heavenly Father by spending time with Him, we begin to know that His character is love and faithfulness. It is that simple. We stop depending on ourselves to fix problems that we do not have the ability to fix in the first place. They are totally out of our control. We depend on G-d’s love for us. He tells us in His Word that His plans for us are wholeness and not destruction. We trust in His Word. This trust grows just like in any relationship as we spend time with Him and get to know Him. Invite Daddy G-d to join you on your journey through life. Get to know Him in order that you may trust Him. His grace is already there for you.

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