
The Coming Holy War: Light vs Darkness

With the bombing of Paris, France has come a flood of fear:
  • fear of jihadists
  • fear of refugees
  • fear of the unknown
I can assure you there will be acts of terror. The terrorists are coming and are already here. The sad thing is that G-D allows catastrophes because that is the main way to get people on their knees. "The Lord Almighty planned it, to bring down her pride in all her splendor and to humble all who are renowned on the earth." (Isa 23:9) He humbled Israel and He will humble any nation that exalts itself against Him. His concern is souls; people in an intimate relationship with Him through faith in His Son, Jesus. (Mk 16:16)(Jn 10:9)

Jesus tells His followers to pray for their enemy. (Mt 5:44) Why? Because He died for them too. He did not tell us to slam the door in their face. If they reject you, 'knock the dust off your feet' (meaning let them be), but we must first go to them and tell them the 'too good to be true but it is' news about our Savior. Our faith is a faith of love. In fact we are not even to hate our enemy, because, as Jesus said, if you hate your brother (and we are all sons and daughters of Adam, created in the image of G-D), you have already murdered him in your heart. (Mt 5:21,22)(1Jn 3:15) Murder is a sin; the sixth 'Thou shall not.'

Our call as followers of Christ is to 'go and make disciples of all nations.' (Mk 16:15) How can you lead someone to Jesus if you hate them?

I understand the fear of bombing and gunfire, but we are not to fear! "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." (1Jn 4:18 italics mine) Jesus didn't fear. Paul didn't fear. None of our Apostles did. They radically took the message of G-D's love to a lost and dying world. What about you?

If you fear, lift it up to our Lord, ask Him to cleanse your soul of it and replace it with His love; unconditional love.

I know we are in scary times. The darkness in this world will continue to increase as the second coming of our Lord draws near. (Lk 21: 9-28) It is in this darkness that the Light of Jesus will burn the brightest. Who can hardly see a flame on a sunny day? But at night when the moon hides from the sun a small flame can be easily seen from afar. Be the moon that doesn't hide. Reflect the Light of the Son during the dark hours of the night. "See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the L-RD rises upon you and His glory appears over you" (Is 60:2). Have confidence in G-D and His plan.

If you think this doesn't apply to you, ask G-D to reveal any fear or hatred of Muslims, refugees, or immigrants for that matter. Closing our borders is not the answer. Let them come and trust G-D for whatever happens. What the enemy means for evil, G-D means for good, for the saving of many souls. (Ge 50:20) And remember, "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Eph 6:12)

Father G-D, I lift up to You all who fear the coming war, and those who have any prejudice against others. Cleanse them, L-RD. Cleanse them from all fear and hatred. Pour out Your Spirit upon them that they may love as You love (and me too, L-RD!). Father, cause Your Light to shine within us so brightly that it permeates every cell of our body and pours out to others around us. Give us the courage of King David that we would not shrink back from telling others about Your love and Your Kingdom. Give us the wisdom of King Solomon that we will walk in Your Truth being gentle as doves but wise as serpents. And Father, place Your people in strategic positions of authority that the United States of America will take on the righteous battle of justice and peace, not just here in America but throughout the world. Father G-D, cause us to stand with Israel, Your Chosen People, until the time that You come to get Your children. Thank You Father that You have sealed us, Your children, with Your Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. Cause Your Spirit to awaken Your children. Rekindle Your fire within us. Give us boldness. Cause us to walk in the fullness of Your Grace that holiness will abound. Father, thank You that you have given us ears to hear into the spiritual realm, discerning good from evil. Thank You Father that You have given us eyes to see the schemes of the evil one, the Deceiver, and eyes to see Your plan for our lives. Thank You Father that You have given us a new heart, a soft and gentle heart full of courage and faith. Your desire will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
In Jesus' precious name, Amen! and So be it!

"If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2Ch 7:14 underlines mine)

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